Wake Up Deborah!

Wake Up Deborah!!

This is a place where moms and dads(biological, spiritual or adopted) can hang out and be encouraged as well as encourage others.

Mothers on their knees, children standing.

If you are visiting this blog for the first time and are interested in the ministry. Take a look on the Jan 7th post as it provides info on how meetings are done. Further, check the info on coordinators by scrolling down the right hand column. May the Lord guide and bless you!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Praying for your Family - Part 1

Praying Big for Your Marriage 1/4/2010 (Day 1 of 2)
When was the last time you asked God for something BIG? Pastor Will Davis and his wife Susie talk about praying big, hairy audacious prayers as a couple for your marriage. The Davises encourage believers not to shy away from asking God for big things, having faith that He'll answer one way or another.
Guests Include: Will and Susie Davis


  1. Sometimes there isn't anything "new" to about the "spilt milk", but, depending on the situation, there's value in crying "with" someone over their 'spilt milk' and helping them along.


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