Wake Up Deborah!

Wake Up Deborah!!

This is a place where moms and dads(biological, spiritual or adopted) can hang out and be encouraged as well as encourage others.

Mothers on their knees, children standing.

If you are visiting this blog for the first time and are interested in the ministry. Take a look on the Jan 7th post as it provides info on how meetings are done. Further, check the info on coordinators by scrolling down the right hand column. May the Lord guide and bless you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

How it all began

It all began in 1995 in Seoul, Korea. … A Brazilian pastor, Pr. Jeremias Pereira, was there for the Global Consultation on World Evangelization. He went to the Seoul Olympic Stadium where the summer Olympics were hosted, and that day, the staggering number of 100,000 young people were recruited for mission service. While hundreds were being commissioned, time after time these young people shared time after time, “I want to thank my mom who prayed for me... I want to thank my mom who prayed for me... I want to thank my mom who prayed for me..."
His heart was deeply stirred: “We need this type of commitment in Brazil from our young people.” Lord, how do we do this? The answer seemed to be: “Begin with the mothers.” So, he, along with his wife, Ana Maria (now deceased), and Pr. Marcelo Gualberto began.

The movement came to be known as Wake-Up Deborah, Arise Deborah.

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