Wake Up Deborah!

Wake Up Deborah!!

This is a place where moms and dads(biological, spiritual or adopted) can hang out and be encouraged as well as encourage others.

Mothers on their knees, children standing.

If you are visiting this blog for the first time and are interested in the ministry. Take a look on the Jan 7th post as it provides info on how meetings are done. Further, check the info on coordinators by scrolling down the right hand column. May the Lord guide and bless you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ideas on how to pray specifically for our children - small or grown

PRAY...15 minutes daily
1. For our children’s salvation
2. That our children will love God and His word.
3. That our children will find a desire to be with other Christians and learn to intercede themselves.
4. That our children will wake up to missions
5. That our kids will have the courage to reject all that is not of God.
6. That God will bring about healing for sexual traumas, rejection, inferiority (or superiority) complexes and any feelings that conjure up rebellion.
7. That our kids will confess hidden sins, bitterness and lack of forgiveness.
8. For their schools, teachers, administrators, coaches and others in authority who influence their lives.
9. That God will give them discernment in school that they may be able to filter what is taught that is contrary to God’s Word.
10. That God provide them with physical, mental and emotional health.
11. For their character and personality development. That they may mature in their faith.
12. That there would be peace, respect and understanding among siblings.
13. That God would obliterate social and racial prejudices.
14. That they may be sensitive to the suffering of others.
15. For your kids’ friends.
16. That we (Deborahs, parents…) live a transparent and God-honoring life as examples for our children.
17. That we may deal with each child with the comprehension of individual personalities and differences.
18. For kids in your church whose parents (or one parent) are not yet saved.
19. For broken homes. for children whose parents are separated. That God may give them grace for the brokenness, anger and feelings of helplessness.
20. For your child’s future vocation.
21. For the future spouses of your children.

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